The Regent Parrot, Polytelis anthopeplus monarchoides is a nationally threatened species under the EPBC Act (1999) and it has been a focus of activity for the South Australian Regent Parrot Recovery Team (the Team) since the late 2000s. The Team has developed effective conservation partnerships between volunteers, community groups, government, Zoos South Australia and the local horticultural industry to secure the future of this species.

You can help the Team’s conservation efforts by reporting any sightings of Regent Parrots that you see while out and about within the River Red Gum and Mallee and agricultural habitats in inland south-eastern Australia in the Lower Murray-Darling Basin region of South Australia.

Think you’ve seen a Regent Parrot and want to help with recovery efforts?

If you’ve checked the fast facts and images in the gallery and you’re pretty sure it is a Regent Parrot, then hit the Polly Tell Us tab above to record your findings, including a photo if you can.

The How to use Polly Tell Us tab gives you a bit more guidance on how to enter sightings.

Thank you for your contributions to Regent Parrot recovery!

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